PaperQueen of Hearts Giftwrap

Like "Grimm's Fairy Tales," the Mother Goose rhymes appeal to children of all ages thanks to engaging story lines and robust characters.  While the rhyming structure of the Mother Goose series was as sweet and comforting as the character for which they were named, it describes a complex moral code of good and evil — harkening back to an era in which childhood was all too brief and children were far less sheltered from the realities of the world.  Mother Goose first appeared as a character in a French poem in 1650, but was not associated with a compilation of published nursery rhymes in English until more than a century later. Since then, both the character and the series have achieved an iconic status in children’s literature.

Our Queen of Hearts wrapping paper is adapted from Mother Goose (with a bit of Alice in Wonderland’s Queen of Hearts), and is perfect for all your heartfelt gifts.  Whether you're wrapping sweets for Valentine's Day or something to celebrate your honey's birthday or a special anniversary, there's no better prelude to your gift than a jolly wrapping paper like this one.

Purchasing Options

#1 — Blue paper, please!

Two-sheet set of 18" x 24" blue diazo giftwrap paper (both pages have the same images).

Larger view of full sheet

100% size view of cropped page

#2 — Sepia paper, please!

Two-sheet set of 18" x 24" sepia vellum diazo giftwrap paper (both pages have the same images).

Larger view of full sheet

100% size view of cropped page

Blue Giftwrap Paper
2-sheet set of blue
diazo giftwrap

$8.50 plus shipping

Sepia Giftwrap Paper
2-sheet set of sepia
diazo giftwrap

$10.50 plus shipping

Products: Giftwrap

Categories: Children
Categories: History: Victorian
Categories: Holidays

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